In collaboration with Precursor Productions.
10 intermediate-level songwriters and 4 student producers from meet (sometimes for the first time), break into groups of 3 or 4 to collaborate and strive to write a complete song in one session.
Collaborate with local songwriters and producers
Build your songwriting network
Improve your songwriting and co-writing skills
Song and vocal production, mixing and arrangement
A computer or phone with internet access
Basic DAW experience to record and share your ideas
Your preferred instrument of choice (guitar, keyboard, laptop) that requires minimal setup
Whatever tools you use to help your creative writing process (rhyming dictionary, describer’s dictionary, thesaurus, etc.)
A couple song ideas, song titles, melodies or riffs to bring to your group to get the creative process rolling
Your SOCAN no. for song split documentation
A snack and reusable water bottle (to stay hydrated!)
An open mind!